House dreams.

Last night, I had what is a pretty usual dream for me--I dreamed that I was purchasing or had purchased a house (it started out as the one in Georgetown but morphed to something else later.) While walking through the house with Bekah, we discovered that it had a lot more room than I had first thought. In fact, it had its own theater (the last movie played was something called "Snatch", which was evidently about a Clifford-like dog), a second kitchen, and a host of other rooms that had no apparent use. It also had stained glass windows like the ones you would normally find in a medieval building, with knights and ladies and dragons, etc. Built in cupboards and wardrobes that stretched for miles and were full of interesting things. Slate tiles on the floors. Dirt everywhere.

It reminded me a bit of the Council's house in the Beth-Hill stories. A house that doesn't make sense in any architectural sense, but makes perfect sense once you're inside. (If that makes sense, that is...) I half-expected to stumble across a Hound on our walk.

There was a restaurant, too, in this house. And there were people in the restaurant, eating. But the theater wasn't running and there weren't any other signs of an established business.

I woke from this dream and had to convince myself that I wasn't buying that house, but a different one entirely. *sigh* Although in all honesty, I'm not quite sure how I would have used all that space.

In other news, my eye is still twitching. It's getting quite irritating, but I guess I can be thankful that it doesn't happen all the time. Tomorrow is the end of the fiscal year and the stress, and really, I'm fine. I have a stack of bills to process, but there's no reason why I can't get them done today.

I'm reading to the end of SCR, and then I'm starting over. I think I've found the right thread, but to properly do this, I need to set aside everything I have and start from 'scratch.' Since I expect to be able to use some of the old stuff, I think this rewrite will go rather quickly. At least at first.

In two days it will be October. I can already smell fall in the air.


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