Four radishes today, and I left plenty in the ground to get a bit bigger.

I planted yellow Gebera daisies in my hanging pots on the front porch this evening. I really like the yellow this year for some reason. My other one (now on its third year!) is red--I like that too, but yellow seemed more appropriate somehow.

Now the chance of rain is on Saturday and Sunday. ARGH. Oh, look. Monday too... and Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Thursday of next week.

It can rain all week if it wants to--we need the rain. And I've got enough stuff inside to keep me busy.

I am hoping it rains before next Thursday, of course, but if it doesn't, that will be 2 weeks without rain. Yikes! It's MAY, already! Not August!

My zucchini are wilting, even. I am assuming that peppers don't like turnips, because the ones I planted near the turnips aren't doing well at all. The others are fine, though. The seedlings need to be repotted, too.

And I've done not much of anything auction-wise. So much for that great idea. What I'm planning to do now is post auctions on Saturday, as usual, but also organize the items I have for auctions and write them up and take pictures while I'm on vacation. That will make it so much easier to post weekly auctions. And I can neaten things up in there a bit, too.


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