I walked out to check on the garden this afternoon, dug up two potato plants (and got about 14 potatoes--some large, some small) and decided to check on the garlic, since it was starting to fall over a bit in places.

I'm glad I checked, because it was ready to harvest. Out of 38 cloves planted, I ended up with 33 heads of garlic--some quite large. There are some small ones in there too, but really, I can't complain.


So I braided it all and it's hanging in the kitchen window to dry. That window doesn't get any direct light, so I think it will be okay.

What I really need to do is put something in the entry room for herb and garlic/onion/whatever drying.

(It's getting LOUDER! RAIN! YAY!!)

Then we went out to eat for Bekah's birthday, and I just got back home.

I have decided to plant the new potatoes where the garlic was, because now that spot is mostly empty. There's a couple of broccoli plants there, and two lettuce plants that I'm letting go to seed, and one potato plant, but otherwise, it's empty. And there's plenty of room for more potatoes. So--and this is the first time in a while that I've been able to say this--unless it's too wet to till up that spot tomorrow, I'll plant the potatoes tomorrow morning. On schedule, even.

I'm going to go write now, though, for a bit before I go to bed.



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