I mowed the grass tonight, but it was so bad that I had to break out the gas mower. However, it was the first time I'd mowed my grass in about six weeks--the second weekend in June, it looks like. If I plan to mow every two weeks from now on, I think I'll be okay, mower-wise. Twice a month isn't that horrible, right? Even every three weeks would work. Just not every six weeks, because I was about ready to pitch both lawnmowers out into the middle of the street at one point. ARGH! Grass!

I moved the rug, too, to expand the garden sideways. My eventual goal is to stop at the sidewalk (on the side, not the public sidewalk) and front the whole thing with hardy hibiscus plants. It will look fabulous, I think.

I picked a zucchini, some more tomatoes, and a handful of broccoli this afternoon, too, and I really have to freeze some swiss chard for use in the wintertime. Other than that and some dishes, I wrote quite a bit today, and I'm planning to write a bit yet tonight.

I also made a pot of oolong tea in my big brown teapot (it's about three quarts, I figure, since I had to fill up my metal teapot twice to even get close to filling it up.) And I drank that all day long, even lukewarm, because it tasted good. I filled it back up this evening, but I'm going to put it in the fridge for iced oolong tea tomorrow (if that tastes okay; I've not tried it iced as of yet.)


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