Loreena McKennitt in concert is just--fabulous. Beyond fabulous. I can die happy now, and I'm only half kidding. :)

I don't think Dad was too bored, either.

I did get the boxed CD set (I have all her old ones on tape) which means that we listened to them the whole way home. I was surprised how much I remembered of the songs I hadn't heard in years (it's been at least seven years since I've had a tape deck on my stereo, I think) and still remembered almost in entirety.

And I am in absolute love with the greek lyra. Oh, wow. It was just a fabulous, glorious concert. And she played almost all my favorite songs. :)

On our way back today, we stopped at the Williamsburg Goodwill, where Dad found a WagnerWare #8 cast iron skillet for me, and I found a little tapestry cape, and a teapot. This really figures, because just as I give up finding a #8 skillet at Goodwill, one shows up. Oh well. Now I'll have more than one of them. Not a horrible thing at all. :)

And I got everything 1/2 off since it's my birthday, so I only spent $10.


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