RIP Upstairs Air Conditioner.

Now I guess I'll be comparing prices for a new one. (This is the big one upstairs; I noticed last night that it wasn't cooling anything, and Dad tried to clean it, but it didn't work, so it's probably fried.) Hey, it was probably 20 years old, so it was due.

That does explain why my office and my hallway have been hotter than normal lately.

Of course, by the end of next week, mid-70s! 52 overnight!! So we'll only have to suffer for a little while, and maybe, just maybe, this is it for the HEAT, and we'll just have heat. That would be nice.

I hate air conditioning.

Luckily, I have plenty of money* in my emergency savings account, so I shouldn't have to put a new one on a credit card.

Hmm. I wonder if I should just move my computer downstairs for the time being.

*to me, at least


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