I picked 10lbs of tomatoes today--2lbs of Red Fig tomatoes alone! Next year, someone remind me not to plant a dozen Red Fig tomato plants, okay? I am going to be swamped.

But they are drying nicely. Right now, I have the remainder of the first batch of Red Fig in the dehydrator, and two trays of Apple Mint leaves as an experiment. I expect the Apple Mint won't take long to dry at all.

My squash is done, my cucumbers are on their way out, and I'm letting my beans go for dried beans. My Kentucky Wonder pole beans look very amusing now that they are plumping out.

And my potatoes still won't die! Although if we don't get some rain here soon, they will die, only not because they are done growing.

My sweet potatoes have almost completely covered the back garden, and they are now beginning to enroach upon the blackberries. In a fight between the sweet potatoes and the blackberries, I wonder who would win?

I've been picking peppers periodically (try saying that five times fast!) but they aren't growing as quickly as I'd like them to be growing. I do have enough cucumbers for another half gallon of pickles, which will probably happen this weekend. I am also going to pickle okra as well. Why not? I have plenty of it.

And my sesame has seed pods! How cool is that?


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